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Free - No Charge

There is no charge for using this site, and former FBI Agents are not charged for having their information listed. Former Agents are only listed if they request it, and their information is removed upon request.

Who Manages Former FBI?

Former FBI is managed by a former FBI Agent named Chris Nelson who retired after 26 years. Please contact Chris Nelson via the information on his Cal Nexus LLC website.

Other Sites Listing FBI Agents:

Other sites you might want to check for former FBI Agents are
Those sites are not affiliated with

No Contract/No Obligation/No Liabillity

This Former FBI Agents website has no contract with the users and listees of this website. It is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from the misuse of this information, or from errors and/or omissions in the information on this website.

Not Affiliated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation

All persons listed on this site are former FBI Agents. However, this site is not affiliated with the FBI.

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